This is the story of a young man named Shanghai Sequoyah Pierce, who was born and raised on a Texas ranch, who excelled in sports, went to war in Korea, attended veterinary school, and eventually married his childhood sweetheart. He ended up living on the same ranch where he'd been raised.

Football playerStory: This book tells about the life of a young man named Shanghai Sequoyah Pierce, who was born and raised on a cattle ranch in Texas. He was named for his ancestors, Abel "Shanghai" Pierce, a famous Texas rancher in the 1800s, and Sequoyah, the Cherokee native who invented the syllabulary, a written language for members of the Cherokee tribe. The boy was also related to Franklin Pierce, the famous American politician.

At an early age Shanghai became good friends with a lovely Cherokee girl, the talented daughter of a physician in Wise County. The two remained friends throughout their school years and began formally dating in high school. Shanghai was tall for his age and became active in numerous sports; while in junior high he began playing baseball with his father's community team. In school, Shanghai excelled in basketball, football and track. As a high school senior he won several college scholarship offers, but he decided to serve his country first. Shanghai Sequoya Pierce

Like his father, Shanghai joined the Marine Corps. After his training at Camp Pendleton, he and his fellow Marines were sent to Korea. They fought on several fronts, including the battle at the Chosin Reservoir. During the battle at Chosin Shanghai received several injuries and recovered in a hospital in San Diego.

The scars from his injuries prevented him from competing in sports, but didn't stop him from attending medical school. He still wanted to become a veterinarian. His childhood sweetheart Enel also attended medical school so she could go into family practice with her father. After Shanghai graduated, he resumed working on the ranch with his father. At last the young man married his sweetheart Enel. The two settled in a new wing on the same ranch where Shanghai was raised.

Purchase: The author printed a limited number of copies of Shanghai Sequoya Pierce. If you would like a trade paperback version of this book, contact Jerry at: The eBook will soon be available from Amazon and other eBook vendors.

photo on top: Sunset over Texas ranch (from DollarPhotoClub)

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